We store limited but relevant data about our clients and prospective clients; typically contact name, business name and address, contact email address, contact business telephone number, status (ie exhibitor or trade supplier and client or prospective client) and, in the event of those who make enquiries and/or purchases, records of those enquiries and/or purchases.
This information enables us to carry out our business in a professional manner and to contact you as and when we have information that we feel might be of interest to you, ie legitimate interests. As a client and/or potential client, you can request a copy of this data at any time and we will send it to you within three working days.
We do not share this data with anyone unless it is necessary to achieve a client and/or potential client objective (such as a project price that requires an element of bought-in goods). We do not, and never have, sold client/potential client data to third parties and we never will.
You have the right to instruct us to remove some or all of your data should you wish to do so. In such an event please contact:-
01825 872 390
00 44 1825 872 390